SQL for Listing all Orgunits


I would like to share an SQL statement that would help you list all your orgunits (code, coordinates, facility name, district, region, etc.) It is tricky to query the same column “organisationunit.name” twice. Here is the query:



SELECT ou.code,

   ou.name as facility,


   par.name as district,



(SELECT part.name

FROM organisationunit ou

INNER JOIN _orgunitstructure ous ON ou.organisationunitid = ous.organisationunitid

INNER JOIN organisationunit part ON ou.parentid = part.organisationunitid

INNER JOIN orgunitlevel oul ON ous.level = oul.level

WHERE (ou.name is not null) AND (ou.name=par.name) AND (ous.level=3)

) AS region

FROM organisationunit ou

INNER JOIN _orgunitstructure ous ON ou.organisationunitid = ous.organisationunitid

INNER JOIN organisationunit par ON ou.parentid = par.organisationunitid

INNER JOIN orgunitlevel oul ON ous.level = oul.level

WHERE ou.name is not null AND ous.level=4

ORDER BY Region, par.name, ou.code
