Requirements to properly share a Dashboard


I would like to know what are the minimal requirements to correctly share a Dashboard in DHIS2: I mean, even when all metadata in the system is hidden by default.

Sharing a dashboard only with a Group or a user is not enough. Needs the user to have explicit access to the dataset or program used by the dashboard? Or only to the related dataElements and indicators? Or both? Any other requirement? (in terms of special authorities?

It would be good to have a good practice about that explicitly in the documentation.

Thanks !


Hello @Emma_Kassy, kindly support @JIMENEZ_POMARETA_Ram with this.


When sharing a dashboard or favorite, user would need access to any related data elements, indicators, catcombos and maybe optionsets. Dataset are necessary if user is supposed to do anything related to data entry or just view data entered.

Let us know if this helps.


Hi, on this subject, I’m having an issue when sharing dashboards and visualizations. When I give users read only access to the dashboard, even if they have all the correct permissions, users see an error message that they do not have permission to read data for Data Element Category Option: xxxx (the UID). But all those metadata objects are public. When I switch it to read and write access to the dashboard, then they can view the dashboard (but also edit). Wondering if anyone else has experienced this.


Hi Natalie,

As much as they are set to Public - probe further to make sure DATA is not set to “No Access” - the very least you want to assign is “Can view only” otherwise you can also assign “Can capture and view” if you want the capture bit too.



Thanks for your input @MNamutso. It’s so great to have you here in the Community!


@MNamutso fixed it for me. What shows in the UI in the list of category options as far as access (AND in the api) refers to the sharing for the METADATA, not the data. So it will say “public view/edit” if the metadata is public, even if data view and data capture is no access.

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Thanks !

So it seems it works fine when all in the system is Public but it will be more complicated is some dependencies are set as No Public Access.

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