Program rule - Showing an error if the option is already selected in a repeatable stage


In a repeatable stage, I have a data element (select group) that has an option set group/options group 1, group 2, group 3. I would like to have a program rule that shows an error if a user tries to select the same option twice for a tracked entity.

I would appreciate a step by step process of building the program rule.


Hi @fernando,

I’m trying to go over some of the posts that weren’t answered. This post seems interesting, I would like to help please. Are you still having an issue with this task? Thank you!

Please explain to me further:

So you have an option set with three options: Group 1 , Group 2 , Group 3.

And you want to disable the selection of any option which has been selected previously in the repeatable stage? For example, if I selected Group 1 the first time, and then repeat the stage again, I shouldn’t be able to select Group 1 for a second time?

I hope now I understood your question, please let me know if I am correct and feel free to share if you have solved the issue!

Thank you! (:

Hi @Gassim,

You are correct: if I select group 1 the first time, and then repeat the stage again, I shouldn’t’ be able to select Group 1 for a second time.

I haven’t solved it yet.
