Program indicators and % events under a condition

Hello dhis2 users,

maybe you can help me with this… There are some cases in PSI, where we need to get the % of events under a specific condition (a value/s in dataelements). We are trying to use Program Indicators for it.

For instance, if we want to calculate the % of “Real” observations for antenatal care (there is a dataelement with 2 possible values: “Simulated”, and “Real” for the antenatal program), we have defined a Custom indicator with the following formula:

count(d2:condition(‘KE HNQIS ANC.KE HNQIS ANC-100-Intro-Is this a real or simulated observation? == “Real”’,1,0))/ count(d2:condition(‘KE HNQIS ANC.KE HNQIS ANC-100-Intro-Is this a real or simulated observation? == “Real”’,1,1))

However, nothing happens (the result is empty). Am I missing something?



