Program indicator not showing on the same page as the stage


On web, while entering data for a program stage, I can see the Program indicator – configured to display in form in configuration -, but in android phone, to see the PI, I must click on the back button after completing the stage and on the graph to see the Program indicator.
Is there a way to view the PI on the same page as the stage in android? Users complain that they always need to click on the back button after filling the stage to view the PI.




@nancyesp . Can you please help here? :slight_smile:

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Hi @hernandezmachava

Currently the PIs are displayed in two different places but as you mentioned, in both cases you need to leave the form to be able to see them

  1. TEI dashboard:

  1. Program stage:

Depending on your indicators a workaround could be to create a section and assign values to DEs so you won’t have to leave the form and just move across different sections.

You can also create a Jira ticket with your requirement so the team can evaluate and work on it. Please remember to add as many details as possible.

Please let us know if you have more questions.