Possible to create this workflow from the dashboard?


I have created a Tracker Program for disease management. The Tracked Entity Type is a ‘case’. Each case is assigned to a specific DHIS2 user.

I would like to build a Dashboard item which displays all Cases assigned to the current user, and allows the user to click on an individual Case to inspect it in the Capture app. Basically I would like to create a ‘Portal’ from the dashboard where users can access their assigned workloads.

Is it possible to create this kind of workflow from the dashboard? I have created a Line List to display the cases enrolled in my Tracker Program, but I cannot see a way to link the records in the Line List to the Capture app so that I can interact with them.

Thank you for any help that you can offer.

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Hi @cormac

Welcome to the DHIS2 Community!

Would creating current views in capture and then copying the links to the views into the Dashboard help?

Then added to a text box, styled and ordered however you wish:

Is there a reason these need to be in the dashboard? For example, could the Capture app ‘views’ be used as a dashboard instead?

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I am interested in this as well

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Thanks for the helpful reply Gassim. Your suggestion is a workaround that we could use. However, I’m unable to see my ‘Assigned to’ attribute in the list of filters in the Capture app, so I’m currently unable to implement this.

This is my ‘Case’ tracked entity and its attributes:

But I do not see the option to filter by ‘Assigned to’ when viewing Case enrolments in the Capture App:

I have checked that the ‘Assigned to’ attribute has permissions for all users to view it, and it is also attached to the Program as well. The attribute is of type ‘Username’.

Could you offer any advice on what the issue might be? I assume I have missed some setting, since you were able to filter by ‘Assigned to’ in the screenshot that you posted.

Thanks again for your help

Hi @cormac

You are right, the program needs to have the setting ‘Allow user assignment of events’ selected in a program stage:

After activating the setting you will need to clear the cache using the Browser Cache Cleaner app:

I’m looking forward to how this works for you.