Not able to the Standard report output as excel


I am getting the below error message when I try to download the Standard report output using the “Download as excel” button.
But when I click the “Get report” button I am getting the PDF output without any issues. Am I missing any settings or configurations? Kindly assist.

We are using DHIS2 2.29.

I managed to replicate this on a couple of versions.
Let’s see what the dev team has to say.
@Scott and @jomutsani please take a look at image below


Hi @Emma_Kassy and @MSP

In 2.32 we introduced a new reports application. The upgrade to the new technology meant that we are no longer able to support download as excel in the reports application. Of course download to excel is still enabled in the pivot table and data visualizer applications.

I can also see that in 2.29, 2.30, and 2.31 the download to excel is not working. We will have a look at it, but as policy we only support the last 3 releases meaning we will only be able to push a fix back to 2.31. @Emma_Kassy can you please create a jira ticket for this with steps to reproduce in 2.31 play?

@MSP in general I highly recommend that you upgrade to a newer version such as 2.33 or 2.32.
