MultiSelect option

hello community,

could someone explain how we could implement a multi-select data element option set. so far i know that we have a value type callled text with multiple values but on the form still the user is allowed to select only one option.

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Dear Mugisha,

You have configured the data element correctly. However, the functionality is implemented in the Data Entry (Beta) app, the new data entry application and the DHIS2 capture app.

For your case, you can force people to use the new app by restricting access to the old app and giving permissions for data entry clerks only to the new app

but this doesn’t work in dhis2 v40 ? is it in version 41 only ?

It should work as the feature was introduced on version 40

@mugisha_alain: this should work in v40 onwards. I confirmed on

Make sure that you

  1. download the latest version of the Data Entry (Beta) App from the App Management App and that you try to use the multiselect there (as Eric noted it does not work in classic Data Entry)
  2. Make sure that the data element you wish to be multiselect has an option set with the type “Text with multiple values”

You might want to try on our demo instance and see that it works there (DHIS 2 Demo - Sierra Leone). If you run into any issues, let us know.