Multiple Org Unit Selection for Referrals in DHIS2 Tracker Capture (2.40.5)


In DHIS2 Tracker Capture (version 2.40.5), is it possible to select multiple organizational units (org units) when creating a referral? For example, if a referral slip includes HIV Testing, GBV Services, and Legal Services, each provided by a different org unit, must I create separate referrals for each service, or is there a way to select multiple org units simultaneously?

Hi @Stanley

To the best of my knowledge at this point it’s only possible to refer once at a time. Does the workflow actually requires that the entity is referred several places at the same time?


Thank you for the feedback.

In projects that are actually managing a particular targeted population,some entities may require a comination of services to be assisted.For instance a rape victim will require health services and legal services including the police.Sometimes assuming the client needs PEP where the service provider does not provide,they as well need to refer to the right service provider.

Thank you for the clarification. In the design of Tracker programs, my understanding in this scenario is that these are all ‘services’ which are probably program stages rather than OUs?

Yes you are correct,these are program stages with different services.

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