DHIS2 Annual Conference 2021: Maturing immunisation systems - Linking learning from routine EPI and C-19 vaccination - part 1 (AEFI and Triangulation of Data/ Mapping of Cold Chain)

Date and Time of the presentation:- Tuesday 22 June, 14:00 CEST
Link to the session in the agenda here.

Learn how DHIS2 has been used to support the reporting of adverse events following immunization (AEFI) and recommended approached for capturing and analyzing key supply chain data for vaccine logistics. This session will cover the AEFI metadata package, which has been adapted to support Covid-19 alongside all childhood immunizations, as well as linking AEFI reporting to the global repository for adverse events, Vigibase. Saudigitus (HISP Mozambique) will share their experience adapting this package, and provide lessons learned.

Breno Horth, the new lead for supply chain and logistics at the University of Oslo, will demonstrate functionality for capturing, analyzing and mapping vaccine logistics data, including cold chain reporting, and will share experiences from several countries

You can post your questions ahead of, during, or after the session. Our speakers will check this thread for questions, and select some for responding to in the session, or follow up after the session has ended. Feel free to respond to other questions or add to them if you have something to follow up with.


Hi Kim

I am have interest in this session and have specially interest with Cold Chain session. Unfortunately I have a parallel session, so cant join. Please share the presentation and relevant documents; will discuss sometime later.


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About the AEFI reporting now, is there a new policy of WHO for all countries?
I ask that because, before, the whole AEFI mandatory reporting was about the mass campains

@Rebecca @kimberly could you address this question?

Video session can be found here: