Logical operator ‘And’ not working in repeatable program stage

Hi all,

I have a tracker capture that registers participants and a repeatable program stage that has two data elements below:

I have built a program indicator that should count the number of participants of initial training in SISMA, PRN, CDA; Number of participants of refresher training in SISMA. PRN, CDA. The Program indicator does not work; it returns nothing. Below are the steps I took to build the PI.
Aggregation type: count

Analytics type: enrollment

Expression: V{enrollment_count}

Filter: #{<programstageid >.<type of training >}==’Initial’ && #{<programstageid >.<training topic >}==’SISMA’


I would be grateful if you could help me with the PI.

Have you regenerate the analytics tables after?

Hi @Ulanbek,

Yes, I have regenerated the analytics table.
