Layout/excluded dimensions in event reports

I am trying to understand the purpose of the “excluded dimensions” vs “Column dimensions” in the layout feature in event reports. I was thinking that in the data section on the left, you could filter for the data you want to extract, but then in layout, you could hide certain columns (like I want to show all of the data in a certain org unit, but then I want to hide the org unit column from the display while keeping the data filtered). However, when I move certain items to excluded dimensions, it removes all the filters related to that dimension and just displays all the data. Wondering what the purpose of excluded dimensions is, and if it’s possible to simply hide columns from the display. Thank you!

Hi @Natalie_Tibbels,
I wonder why this is happening for you because when I’m trying in play 2.37.3 it’s not doing that for me. Would you please reproduce in any of the play instances and take screenshots so the issue can be reproduced and checked.
Thank you! :slight_smile: