Issue with hide field program rules in Android (2.34, 2.2.2)?

Are others having trouble with hide field program rules in Android? I’m using app version 2.2.2 and 2.34.1. Same problem with end user vs superuser credentials so don’t think it’s about sharing. They are very simple rules, such as

Condition: #{tested} ==0 (person did not do the test)
Action: Hide field: “date tested”

“Date tested” data element hides on browser, shows up on android regardless of the response to the “tested” DE.

Thanks for any tips!


Hi @Natalie_Tibbels,

If #{tested} is a boolean variable it is better not to use 0/1 in the expression. Instead, #{tested} == false will do the trick.


Thank you!!!

Hi @Natalie_Tibbels
I have the same problem as you, have you found the right solution

Hi @elmoujarrade. Please check the solution provided by Pablo above.

Hi, @jaime.bosque
thank you very much, the idea of ​​Pablo works well.

Hi, @marta
my problem was solved, by the idea of Pablo " If #{tested} is a boolean variable it is better not to use 0/1 in the expression. Instead, #{tested} == false will do the trick.".

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