Issue in Dataset Notification


As soon as I create a dataset notification, the complete button on data entry screen starts giving an error “Error in registering data set completeness”. However, the complete action is still triggered and I get the notification in email. Here too, Period is missing in the content of the email even though it

selected in the notification template.

Hi @Dipali_Sahu,

I found this other topic mentioning the same error - Error in registering data set completeness - could it be that one of the email addresses are invalid? Could you check your logs?

Best regards,

Thanks for following up.

I checked and the email address have no problem. I get this error only when I create a notification (Maintenance>> Dataset >> Dataset notifications >> Who to send it to >> Organization unit contact).

From Maintenance >> Dataset >> Edit dataset >> Complete notification recipients, I am able to receive complete notifications.

I need to set a dataset notification to the organisation unit contact because I want only country admins to get notifications applicable in their respective countries. From Dataset>> Complete notification recipients, it is not able to send OU-wise notifications, since we have many countries assigned same datasets.