Interested in working with DHIS2 for Dashboard application in GSoC '16

Hi all,
I am Chinmay, and I am interested in working with “Enhance existing DHIS2 android dashboard application**”** for GSoC '16.

I have built the app from source. I had a few queries:

  • Issue
    #13 on Github talks about fixing layouts, changing text colors and icons. Could you please tell which layouts are to be changed?
  • Also,
    the api module uses Retrofit 1.9. Is there any particular reason for not moving to Retrofit 2.0? I have experience with Retrofit 2.0, and would like to contribute towards it if you are planning to move to the newer version.
    About me

I am presently doing my final/senior year project
in the domain of contextual computing using beacons, and it also involves working with the MPAndroidChart Library. I have also used that library in a few other projects, and I am comfortable with it.
