Installing SMOL server

Dear Sir
Please note that I am configuring a SMOL server using DHIS2 2.29 server
I have used the link for SMOL server
and selected the program “cause of Death” , tracker , metadata.json file

DHIS2.29 V1.0 Tracker * Reference metadata.json 2018-09-26T09:55

tracker11.json (1.5 MB)

I have save the script on a file tracker11.json (see attached) and i have pressed “import”.
but the import is not made

kindly advise
Houssam Chammaa

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Hi @Houssam_Chammaa!
What happens when you press import? Do you see any response in the UI? Can you see if there is any server log errors when the import is started?

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Dear Markus

please note that when i press the “Import” Button, nothing shows on the UI, as if no button is pressed.

is the Json script valid?


Houssam Chammaa

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@Houssam_Chammaa; Are you able to reproduce the problem on

Dear Markus,

Reference to your web link, i am not admin to access the Import/export

DHIS 2 Demo - Sierra Leone


Kindly provide em with the json script to test again.


Houssam Chammaa

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Dear @Houssam_Chammaa,
You can log in with system:System123


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Dear Markus

It worked fine, i was able to generate the json file from your server as attached

then i have run the “browser cache cleaner”, but still cannot see what was imported.

what shall i do next?


Houssam Chammaa


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Dear Houssam - A successful import is indicated by the last(top) line saying that the import was successful. In the screenshot you sent it seems that the import is not yet finished - or has stopped working/crashed.

It seems that the import app works better on play than in your local server, as you indicated that on your local you are not able to start the import at all? Can you try taking the latest 2.29 release and trying this on your local once more?

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