Indicators Used to Make Indicators

Hello Support,
We are currently running ver 2.30.
Up to a few updates ago, we could use indicators combined with data elements or other indicators to create new indicators. What was required to do this was to get the UID for the indicators, enclose them in # and curly brackets { } and it worked in the analytics and pivot tables (did not work on custom forms). Even though this was not the ‘natural’ process of creating indicators in DHIS2, but it was a very functional one and quite useful when you had to deal with a whole lot of data elements when creating an indicator.

We noticed after recent updates on 2.30 that this feature no longer works.
I am not sure if there was a deliberate effort from the developers to remove this feature or an incidental occurrence from general improvements to the system.

Is this something you could take a look at to make function again?

I will also make a feature request on JIRA.



Hi Ifeanyi,
We also relied on this feature for many of our indicators and had the same issue. Good to hear that we’re not alone! We opened a ticket here: [DHIS2-6901] - Jira

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