We run automatic data ingest to DHIS2 every night via the API. If something fails in this process, it would be very useful for our endusers (and ourself) to see what the last updated timestamp for the dataValues of any dataElement is. What is the best way of doing this?
So far I have solved it by setting up a SQL view that queries the dataelements and datavalues tables, but ideally I would like to show this information in a visualisation or dashboard somehow.
The API does include a date for any updates, would that help?
Maybe you can give the Standard Reports a try? Report - DHIS2 Documentation I am not sure if there is a tag that will specifically show the updated date. If you find it useful for your case, please share an update.
Another option is getting the updated dates from the API and exporting them into a sheet that creates charts or exporting them to a tracker program with these values inserted into data elements i.e. considering each value a TEIs !