How to restrict users from completing an enrollment in DHIS2

Hi everyone,

I would like to restrict users from completing an enrollment in a Tracker program in DHIS2 2.40.5. My goal is to ensure that users cannot mark an enrollment as completed, either by removing the option or blocking it with program rules.

Here is what I’ve tried so far:

  1. I explored user roles to remove permissions, but I didn’t find a specific setting to disable enrollment completion.
  2. I considered using a program rule to block the action, but I’m unsure about the exact condition and configuration.

Does anyone have experience with this or know the best way to achieve it? Any advice or alternative approaches would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your support!

Best regards,

Hi @elmoujarrade

I believe your request is similar to another topic, please check the steps suggested by @jthomas: Workaround for data approval in tracker capture - #2 by jthomas

If that solution works, we can move this post there as well. Thank you!

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