How to import exported data to a new dataset

Through Import/Export, I have exported data from a dataset and would like to import it into a new dataset but the import option does not give me a field to enter the dataset to import the data. Is there a way around it @dhis2-platform? I am using version 2.37.7

Hello @Tuntu
Have you tried to use the data import wizard app and or MetaData Sync App found in the app resources?
These tools will simplify your work.


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You’d need to edit the exported data and modify the dataset info to the new dataset you’re trying to import into.

Which attributes do you modify exactly? I am fairly new to DHIS2 so I will need a little more guidance

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Hi @Tuntu,

Thank you for your patience and sorry for the late response! You’d need to modify the ids of the exported data to match the ids (dataelement, orgunit, categoryoptioncombo, attributeoptioncombo) in the new dataset.

To get the ids of the old and the new dataset you can use the API to generate the template. For example, instance-url/api/dataSets/old/new-dataset-id/dataValueSet.json You can get the id of the dataset from Maintenance > dataset options > show details.

It does seem like a lot of work but the question is why not modify the old data set? Why is it necessary to import into a new data set when both will have the same values?
