How do I resolve this Internal Server Error on Pivot table

I saved a favorite on the pivot table which was running normally.
I suddenly discovered this error upon trying to run the favorite
Please how do I resolve this? Thank you fam
Code: 500
Status: Internal Server Error

Not a valid dimension: SH885jaRe0o.

Hi could you add screenshots (as well as the console)? Are you sure you are selecting the right dimensions and have access rights to these dimensions? Thank you!

Thank you @Gassim

see the screenshot.
I have already created this favorite with my account and have been running it before.
But now, once I click on the link-it will pup up this error.
I am not able to check the dimension

Hi @nnenna,

This passed me by from last year, sorry! Are you still using an older version of dhis2 and the deprecated Pivot Tables app? You’re advised to use the latest supported versions of dhis2.

If you are still facing this issue. Even though you’re not able to access the favorite and check the dimension, it would be helpful to check the Network tab and see more details about this error (F12 → Network tab). Make sure the Network tab is open before opening the favorite.

We need to make sure cache is cleared properly and analytics tables export is running properly, and then please check the Catalina.out log (please share it here without the sensitive info).
