GSoC 2016


I am Bishwajit Saha, a 3rd year B. Tech student from NIT, Durgapur, India.

My profile:

I am a GSoC 2016 aspirant and would like to apply for project 4. Enhance existing DHIS2 android dashboard application this summer.

Previously I have worked on some android apps. My past apps are:

  1. Countdown timer

  2. Cine Sink, a movie app for getting movie details, upcoming movies, top 10 using cinemalytics API.

  3. Health Advisor, app for finding disease use is facing based on the symptoms and answers to question asked accordingly.I am currently working on this using Infermedica API.

2nd and the 3rd are fully based fetching data using external APIs, JSON parsing.

I have also worked with several APIs like REST, 3rd party libraries like Volley, and follow Google Material design guidelines. I have experience working with SQLite, Google maps and started learning to work with MPAndroidChart.

I want to want on enhancing existing DHIS2 android dashboard application project during summer. Please guide me how do I start working on the project from now onwards.

Thank you.


Bishwajit Saha
Computer Science and Engineering

National Institute of Technology, Durgapur

Hi Bishwajit,

Thanks for getting interested in DHIS2.

Do you have any experience of contributing to open source? Do you have any open source projects you can share with us?

Good way to get started on development is getting familiar with the project itself and building it from source code. I advise you to visit the project’s page (legacy branch)

In order to test app you can use demo server:

Username: admin

Password: district

After that, you can try to fix a bug or implement a feature from the list and make a pull request:

Best Regards,

Araz Abishov


Bishwajit Saha
Computer Science and Engineering

National Institute of Technology, Durgapur