Future dates allowed in Event Capture

When capturing Medical Certificate of Cause of death on our COD instance, It was observed that the date of death was allowing future date to be captured. the date being for date of death is the system date for event capture.

This was tested on trainingland using antenatal visits event program and same problem was observed for all stable versions of DHIS2.

There is the need to fix this and probably replicate the checkbox that allow users to either decide to capture future dates or not as implemented in tracker programs under the enrolment details. Default should current and previous date while a check box can then be added to allows users to check if they wanted allows capture of future dates in their event programs.

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I have a suggestion in this scenario but please feel free to correct me if I’m not getting it right. How about using a program rule to assign this based on the system date rather than the user selecting the date?


Hi @dachagaoswald

We have a Jira on this you can follow DHIS1-8613.
As a workaround you can make a programrule like @Gassim suggested.

Condition: V{event_date} > V{current_date}
Program rule action: Show error - and put in the text.


@Caroline We have a use-case where we would like to allow the entry of future dates for a Data Element with the ‘date’ type. We are using the Event Model, and are trying to allow for campaign workers to record the “scheduled activity” date (in the future) during pre-activity mobilization activities. Data are being captured via DHIS2 Android Capture app. I do not see an option to allow for future dates to be entered for Date-type Data Elements. Can you advise on how we can try to achieve this?

Hi @jillianberkowitz, welcome to the community :tada:

In event programs, the option to allow future dates for the date DE is available per DE after adding it to the program. See screenshot below:

You can see in the dhis2 android docs that this is a supported feature: https://docs.dhis2.org/en/use/android-app/program-features.html#:~:text=Data%20elements%2Ddate%20in%20future