Export programinstanceid or TEIid from event report

Hi All!

I have visualised my data having 3 program stages in event report and export them. What I want is that how can I export data in event report with programinstance id or TEI id in order to link the 3 program stages.

Thank you for all your assistance


Hi @pa_trick67,

Did you get to sort this out? tagging @Emma_Kassy to check it out just incase.


I do not think it is currently possible to link the 3 program stages while you are in DHIS2.
The work around would be to download the event report data (csv/excel/preferred format) for each program stage and do the link outside of DHIS2. If you notice these three stages have certain attributes that make a TEI unique in the entire program.
NOTE: If your stages are repeatable, then a TEI may have multiple rows for this particular stage.

Let me know, if this was helpful.


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