Event Reports analysis

Dear Community,

I am using event reports to generate a line listing data from DHIS2 but fail to list organisation unit level up to National level on the same table. In pivot table, in options, you canal select a heirachy levels on your table and get all the parent of your child org. unit, in event report, we only get the reporting level.

Anyone with experience on how best this can be done using event reports?

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@Scott can your team help answer this?

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Dear @muhireandrew2020

This is not yet supported [DHIS2-2367] - Jira

Please add your usecase and vote


Hi @muhireandrew2020, Prosper is correct, but we can look into if it is technically possible to add it. Please also communicate with Adolphe the analytics field ambassador that this is a priority for you.

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Thanks Prosper and Scott.


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