Endpoint metadata audit

Hello everyone,

I’m wondering if there is an endpoint for retrieving metadatas auditing.

I know that there is a Sql Table nammed audit where metadatas auditing are inserted.


Hi @didate

I don’t think there’s an API endpoint retrieving the metadata auditing but if you can see it in the UI then you might check the network tools (DevTools) and get the request/response.

The official way for this sort of auditing: Audit - DHIS2 Documentation

Thank you @Gassim for your response

Yeah, that why I’m asking because I didn’t find how to retrieve these data via API.

Is there something planned about that on the roadmap ?

For now, I’m gonna build my own external web app to track metadata update.

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Hi @didate

I had a look at previous discussions with the team. There were changes in the naming for the metadata audit and it is now called changelog, see jira issue: [DHIS2-16126] - Jira

The changelog for aggregate and for tracker need to be configured in your system first: Installation - DHIS2 Documentation

I found this example in the docs on how it could be used for trackedEntities, Tracker - DHIS2 Documentation

I hope this helps for a start. Thanks!