Emmanuel Katto Uganda - Developing custom mobile applications

Hi everyone, I am Emmanuel Katto. I wanted to know - Does anyone have experience developing custom mobile applications that interact with DHIS2? What challenges did you face?

Looking forward to your responses.

Emmanuel Katto

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Hi @emmanuelkatto

Welcome to the DHIS2 Community of Practice! I have moved your post to SDK - Android Development since it’s the more relevant category, and I have forwarded your post to the Developers Slack Workspace.

Personally, I’m still a learner in the web track. I’m curious if you have tried developing an android app yourself. Anything you would like to share?

Would you like to update your post with more specific questions that you have in mind or examples of information you believe would be helpful?


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I guess the problematics are the same as for the dhis2 app and most mobile apps

  • offline first and in transit data : you collect data with the definition the user knew when he last sync with the server then he went in mission, perhaps without much internet connectivity, coming back the definition might have changed or worst the dhis2 might have been updated.
  • rules to re-conciliate conflicts : since people can write/update data offline and in the web part of dhis2, you’ll need to figure out “who” wins.
  • performance when synching : you’ll have to sync in batch probably interpreting the complex error structure to know which record on your side has been rejected and which one has passed (you want to avoid creating duplicates)

the sdk might help on this but I’ve never tried my self.

more generic mobile problems

  • support of various android versions
  • having the play store to accept your app : once you have some health keywords (ex covid) or related to ministries/official institution of the country the rules are a bit harder to comply with.