Editing program stage

Dear all,
I encountered an issue when I tried to make changes to my program.
When I try to add a data element to the programstage (Maternal death audit) section using the UI I get an error like this:

Property name with value Maternal Death Audit on object Maternal Death Audit [Dl7fS6Gr9N6] (DataEntryForm) already exists on object oJQXUsJcpNd.

Does anyone have an idea why this is happening and how I can fix it?


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Hi @Uaa,

Seems you are trying to create a new object and name while an existing similar object exists with the same name, Maternal Death Audit - Kindly confirm if this isn’t the case; also please share the rest of the logs to understand the error* better.


Hi @Uaa

At some point we experienced this with some build cant recall the exact one. The work around was to rename the stage add and save and then return and rename save again.
