@dhis2/ui Table pagination support

I am looking here at the DataTable and I am not seeing any options for pagination support at the moment, am I missing something or is this a feature that requires development?

Hey @plinnegan,
May I make a guess please? (: I think since pagination is general and not specific for only DataTables then it has its own component. Please see here: Storybook

Am I right? :smiley: I mean does it work to use the options from the navigation-pagination along with the options from the DataTable? Thanks…

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This is perfect thank you! :+1:

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You’re welcome! :grin:

Could a story be added that uses the table with the pagination component? Just to help out others who might not know it’s a separate component? It makes total sense to have it separate, I was just used to UI libraries like Antd and Material UI where the paging is included.

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That’s really great! Please have a look at the contributing doc in the GitHub repo (ui/CONTRIBUTING.md at master · dhis2/ui · GitHub).

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