DHIS2 launching error on MAC OS

Hello experts,

I am trying to install DHIS2 on my macbook pro based on these instructions.

I have installed all dependencies correctly and able to run Tomcat. However, I am unable to launch dhis2 instance. I suspect that there is some sort of disconnect between my config file and postgresql database. Would anyone be able to resolve this issue?

FYI here is my dhis.conf

Hibernate SQL dialect
connection.dialect = org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect

JDBC driver class
connection.driver_class = org.postgresql.Driver

Database connection URL
connection.url = jdbc:postgresql:dhis2

Database username
connection.username = SB

Database password
connection.password = SB

Database schema behavior, can be validate, update, create, create-drop
connection.schema = update

Encryption password (sensitive)
encryption.password = abcd

And, this is the error I am getting when launching dhis2

Hi @slee,

Could you please attach tomcat logs from the startup?


@ Gintare. This problem has been resolved. I tried using lower Tomcat version. (8.0)

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