DHIS2 data propagation from data elements into other data-sets

Hello every one!
I’ve a problem in customization/implementation, I’ve created data elements for different data-sets (BHU,RHC etc). In these forms, the same data elements are used (plus/minus) however, I assigned them that data elements i.e “Asthama” is in BHU and in RHC as well so I created a single data element for both of them and assigned but in data entry, I have a problem whenever data is being entered in one data set its auto-populate into another one, in short, its updating throughout the datasets.

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is there any way to make them independent of each other by meaning data shouldn’t be connected to other data sets

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Hello in DHIS2 the data are not linked to the datasets, datasets are just layout.
The data is linked to dataelement, period and organisation Unit. So as soon those values are the same, you will have the issue.

If you want to collecte different values, you need to create different dataelements or differents organisation Units. You can by example add another level of organisation unit to separate (BHU,RHC etc).


Thanks @diallotafsir52!

@Ijaz_Ulhassan welcome to the community! :tada:

In addition to what @diallotafsir52 mentioned, I’d like to add that it’s possible to add disaggregation categories. Please docs for reference: https://docs.dhis2.org/en/use/user-guides/dhis-core-version-master/understanding-the-data-model/additional-data-dimensions.html#additional_data_dimensions


Thanks for your response, @Gassim, and @diallotafsir52. But finally, I found the solution actually I was testing all the datasets in the same org.unit so it was creating the problem as in DHIS2 all the data from the data sets is propagated to the level above from the entry-level, thus it was my mistake to test them (different data sets) in the same level. I just separated them (assigned to different org.units) and it’s working. @diallotafsir52 you’re right but we can’t create data elements for every data set as they are repeating in every data set plus if we do so it would be a large duplication of data elements in the systems as I have 1000+ data elements thus if I create them individually then it’d be definatly chewing metal beans at once.

Hi Ijaz.
The advantage of using the same data element in different places is that there will a ‘single’ source of truth. An example is ANC 1st visit. This figure is used by Maternal care/HIV testing/Malaria. There can be only one value for ANC 1st visit in a facility. If you want each service to report their own version of ANC 1st visit, then you can change the name of the DE. Antenatal care 1st visit RMNCH/Antenatal 1st visit HIV/Antenatal 1st visit Malaria. But then you will have different values for ANC 1st visit. And which one is correct? The other option is to use service points in the naming as you have done. But I think disaggregation will be the best option

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Hi @Norah_Stoops nice to have your remarks, but as early I told that the only problem in my datasets was the data auto replication/propagation in different data sets although the same data element is used throughout the levels for example at BHU level one data element say “Acute respiratory infection” is used to capture data and at RHU or primary level the same “acute respiratory infection” is also used to capture that data at that level, the problem is not with the data elements as if we have different data sets so their disaggregation is also done, I was testing them in the same org.unit that was my problem so that they overlap the data as the data in the lower level is merged to the upper level in org.unit hierarchy. When I seperate them in different org.unit the same data elements worked fine with different data sets!
I hope this would explain what I want to convey…