DHIS2 Can't finish the analytic in version 2.37.1

I am also getting this error for my system

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We are getting this error as well in 2.37.1

Caused by: org.springframework.jdbc.BadSqlGrammarException: StatementCallback; bad SQL grammar [update analytics_temp_2021 set “uidlevel1” = null,“uidlevel2” = null,“uidlevel3” = null,“uidlevel4” = null,“uidlevel5” = null,“uidlevel6” = null where level > 6 and dx in (‘TrVLrr9XjEs’, ‘Owp8M4yz6ui’, ‘gmVIMDTQnUd’, ‘iTIKyO8WMnq’, ‘KwBy35dfFsz’, ‘IjIxQgu9q9P’, ‘s72OqIRFVnK’, ‘lEIsJooQMot’, ‘bq3gIZEuEEB’, ‘aavds7gYBW5’, ‘QPdnxYPhKa2’, ‘un6lxdVc02x’, ‘uiYOnolIqKl’, ‘RUurLS8eTac’, ‘mIO7hVfPIw5’, ‘l6alQrMaUqP’, ‘Iu3an3M2LXe’, ‘v15p7fAK8LT’, ‘Y2CsnWncvT6’, ‘BdofjRMyo0U’, ‘IuYD59mI8H9’, ‘OJnul9wZCUM’, ‘znpPhLOE4AA’, ‘knCSX72hkNg’, ‘F95KLid26PZ’, ‘E7ipLtEGd9X’, ‘RnFss77thCy’, ‘ZR8URIA255i’, ‘uGqlfDUZYvp’, ‘QFTpOngJ1s4’, ‘KWZHkHrR31a’, ‘C5ij8YpIuDs’, ‘C9yqu3YlTNL’, ‘RawdWreAhmw’, ‘zdTgBth9feB’, ‘deuPbC3iqLq’, ‘OzowH2888Cc’, ‘mOE5w8jVtuh’, ‘e0cPRcP5XNc’)]; nested exception is org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: column “level” does not exist
Hint: Perhaps you meant to reference the column “analytics_temp_2021.oulevel”.
Position: 152


@Tomas_Sala , @jthomas

have you also just updated from previous versions?

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Hi @phil Yes I updated from 2.29 => 2.30 => 2.33 => 2.36.4 => 2.37.1

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Yes, I updated from 2.33 to 2.37.1

It is a bug. It most likely affects all versions, but only when data element aggregation levels are present.
See: [TECH-899] - Jira.
The fix is on the way, PR will be ready today.

There is no relation to [DHIS2-12210] - Jira


Thanks for the correction @dusan!:+1:

BTW, the link to the Jira issue you shared (https://jira.dhis2.org/browse/TECH-899) is inaccessible.

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No rights to see? This is strange, my click works

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Yeah, no permissions. Sorry for that, I have to speak to administrator of TECH2 project

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PR Ready, waiting for reviewers


Hi @dusan Happy New Year.

Would like to register our eagerness for this patch. Since we already upgraded 2.37 we cannot go back and also can’t run analytics.

Registering in case it helps in prirotizing.

Thank You


I’m not sure if this is the right forum but our DHIS2 instance keeps crashing because our analytics_temp keeps filling up to 100GB. Why does this happen and how can we stop this?

Thank you

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Hi @Clara,
Thank you for your post! You’re not the first to mention this and I’ve moved your post to the related topic where many have mentioned the issue. It’s a bug as you can see from Dusan’s last post and it has been fixed, but what version are you using?


We are using 2.37.6 @Gassim. Which version has the fix?

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I will let you know as soon as I get an update from @Dusan! Thanks! (:

Thank you so much. The server crashes are not great.

Can we have access to that issue please - still seeing this on

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@Gassim should we maybe just open another issue on Jira since we can’t access the current issue?

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Created JIRA ticket