DHIS2 Android SDK 1.1.0 is officially released

Dear DHIS2 community,

We are pleased to inform you that the new version 1.1.0 of the DHIS2 Android Software Development Kit (SDK) has been officially released. The SDK 1.1.0 is compatible with versions 2.30, 2.31, 2.32, 2.33, and 2.34 of DHIS2. Therefore, Android developers can build their own apps fully compatible with those DHIS2 versions.

Some of the new features including in this version are:

  • User assignment: The SDK downloads and stores information about events that are assigned to a user, and allows them to be filtered (ANDROSDK-1042, ANDROSDK-1050)

  • Event notes: The SDK downloads and saves notes to events (ANDROSDK-187)

  • Geometry property in OrganisationUnit has been added (ANDROSDK-1045)

  • Improvements in the sort order capabilities for options (ANDROSDK-1053), events, enrollments and tracked entity instances (ANDROSDK-1082)

The funcionality of the SDK including code examples is fully documented. You can also download and check out the SDK code in the following GitHub repository. It also contains more information about all the new features, bug fixing and minor changes in syntax from previous versions.

More detailed information is included in jira.

Don’t forget to have a look at the DHSI2 android skeleton app, which uses the SDK 1.1.0.

Since last week we have also published the SDK 1.1.1 that contains a fix for a bug that was not allowing to post single event notes to a server (you can also download this version from github). The DHIS2 android app is using this version.

Happy coding
UiO Android team