DHIS2 Android Capture App patch release 2.6.1 is now available containing many bug fixes and improvements

Dear all,

DHIS2 Android Capture App version 2.6.1 is a patch version of the DHIS2 Android App. It builds upon the last version including bug fixes that couldn’t wait for the next version. It includes no functional improvements nor changes in the User Interface. It means that yours users can update without experiencing any change in the UI.

This patch release is our response to challenges and bugs reported by the community and the QA testing team. In order to continue improving the usability of the app, this release contains substantially more bug fixes than previous patch versions. Specifically, this version has fixed some important issues related to QR codes, solved some crashes affecting several devices, reducing the sync time when downloading multiple program indicators, and many many others fixes and improvements. You can see the full list here (requires log in).

This is the latest stable release for version 2.6.

The release notes for this patch can be found here: Patch 2.6.1 Release .


Release Information Link
Download app from Google Play or Github Google Play - Github
Documentation and Javadocs Android Overview - DHIS2
Overview of bugs fixed on JIRA (requires login) 2.6.1 Bugs
Source code on Github GitHub - dhis2/dhis2-android-capture-app: DHIS 2 data and tracker capture app for Android
Demo instance (user/password) https://play.dhis2.org/2.38/ android / Android123
DHIS 2 community https://community.dhis2.org Mobile Community
Source code of SDK on Github SDK 1.6.1

@chase.freeman , @Matthew_Boddie this fixes the issue with the QR code that was blocking some of your projects.


So was one of the bugs the authentication bug during login?

What happens is that when logging in and username:password combination is incorrect, it doesn’t give an error immediately, it says authenticating and stays stuck on that screen. In order to return to the login page, you have to close the app and relaunch it. It should simply give an error to notify the user that it has failed to authenticate like it used to with previous version or like the web app does.

Hi @lillian1n2 . The App should complain about wrong credentials but let you input new ones without the need of closing / reopening the application. Could you try going to the play servers (if you put https://play it will autocomplete) but change the password suggested to put a wrong one and see if the App behaves in the same way? To discard something wrong with your server.

If play works but not on your server I might ask you for credentials so I can test it myself.
