Decimal number

Hi dears
I have data element name BMI that it fills with program rule.
its value is real number but i want to have with 2 decimal point.
could you please help me is it possible in dhis2
Example : 64/1.63 = 39.26

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Hi @lida_afshari,

From me; I think you can achieve that if you created an indicator for your data element. I know with indicators you can specify the number of decimal places you want to be displayed. I’d be interested to know from the members in here if there’s another way to achieve it.


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BMI is calculated by dividing the height in cm by the weight in kg. So the correct calculation is 163cm/64kg = 24.1 and not the 39.26
BMI generally uses only 1 decimal point. I am sorry but I do not know how to set up to show a fixed number of decimal points. Other will have to help here.

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yes i know formula of BMI, that was just an example for showing problem,
issue is decimal point that i cant solve it

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