Connection issue? (Line Listing 40.2.0)

I am trying to create some line listing on the play instance, and I am getting this error: “Something went wrong. There was a problem getting the data from the server.”

The network tab shows this responce from the server

“httpStatus”: “Conflict”,
“httpStatusCode”: 409,
“status”: “ERROR”,
“message”: “Query failed because of a syntax error (SqlState: 42703)”,
“devMessage”: “SqlState: 42703”,
“errorCode”: “E7145”

Hi @Fatsani

I’m not able to reproduce the issue. Please check your internet connection and clear your browser cache. I opened the favorite you shared:

Just a note that we have had the same issues on V40 on LineListing as well as Event Reports (Line listing specifically within) and running All Years analytics solved it for us.

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