Combine DEs from different types of stages


We have a tracker program:

There are three program stages: the first and second stages are non-repeatable stages; the third stage is repeatable. Ill all the stages we track the condoms received (DE) by a beneficiary. For the third stage, condoms are distributed to beneficiaries quarterly. We are having difficulty line listing the occurrence of all values captured for this data element in the event report.

We have set the table style to ‘line list’ and output type to ‘enrollment. We selected the data element from different stages, but for the third stage, it only displays the latest value.

And setting the table style to ‘line list’ and output type to event does not allow us to select data element from multiple stages.

We need to view all values captured in the repeatable stage together with those values captured in the non-repeatable stages at once/the same time?


Hi @dmbantu

I don’t understand why two are non-repeatable and the third is?

I don’t think it’s possible to display both enrollment type and event type line list at once. But maybe you can generate the two tables seperately and merge them externally.


Hi @Gassim,

First and second contacts with the beneficiaries are unique events and the third is a follow-up event every three months. That’s why the first and second contact are non-repeatable and the third is repeatable. Isn’t there another way (e.g API) to get values of a specific data element from all program stages? Values from the Data element are used for monthly report and generating separate tables every month will be tedious.

I think generating separate tables and merging them would be difficult since it would require having a unique ID for each entry. Does DHIS 2 generate unique IDS automatically for each tracked entity registered?
