When i select absolute range in dates there is error and have not select any date.
Would you please share a screenshot of the issue? And what is the version of the instance you are using?
when i select absolture range it is not checked…
Thanks! Please a screenshot how this range is not checked. Is it a data element in a form? It helps if you explain the use case.
When i click on absolute value and give range from to it will d-select.
Hi @Gassim and the rest of the community!
We have recently updated to v2.40.6 (from v2.40.3) and are now experiencing a similar error.
When selecting the absolute date range in a capture program from the list of captured events, the dates cannot be selected from the popup calendar. You are able to click on the calendar, but the date is not registered.
You are only able to capture the date (and therefore select the absolute date range) by manually typing in the dates (e.g., 2025/01/30) and then clicking “Update”.
I replicated this in our instance on various user accounts as well as on the Play instance.
See screenshots below showing the process:
I assume that this is a bug that crept in between patches 2.40.3 and 2.40.6?
Any help or guidance on how to correct this would be appreciated!
Thank you so much for the clarification and the screenshots. I was able to test this and it wasn’t working but when I updated the app from the App Management app, it worked.
Please update the Capture app and test again. App Management app > Capture app > install version 101.23.2 (or above).
I hope this works for you too (@Terence_Scott , @ALI_HASSAN). Please let us know.