Bulk insert of events using API

We have a requirements of loading/inserting 2500+ events (each having 20 elements/properties) in an event program via API. We tried load testing and found that inserting up to 500 events works without any issues. More than that it shows timeout of 10s passed.

What is the best and fastest way to load this much events from a custom DHIS2 app?

Hello @Mahmud The trick here if you are using nginx as your reverse proxy or apache2 , it will be good that you increase session timeout through the nginx or apache2 configuration, just add in the server block

proxy_read_timeout 300;
proxy_connect_timeout 300;
proxy_send_timeout 300;


We are using nginx, will try these values. I am guessing values are in seconds, so you are proposing 300 seconds.

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Thanks @tuzoengelbert , setting these params solved the timeout issue.