Assistance - Obtaining the total number of patients enrolled in a program at specific stages

Hi All,

I am trying to calculate the total for a given stage of the program.
I have already created the program indicator but without success, it does not show results.
Can someone help me please.

See the attached images
Expression : V{enrollment_count}
Filter: V{program_stage_id} == ‘WRdDx7N9AtJ’

Hi Abdul,

If you are looking for the count of enrollments within a specific stage then in your filter you should check if one the Stage Data Elements (that is required) is not an empty string or has a value.

Your stage and associated data elements will be listed on the right hand side of the filter page.

Your filter could look something like this #{B6n59RGUIhb.BZS3NcHvdBd} != ‘’


Thanks @Peter for your suggestion. I ended counting the events, since this happens only once.

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