App Build Error For targetSdkVersion=26

Hi Everyone,

For Old Trackercapture application available at: GitHub - dhis2/dhis2-android-trackercapture: DHIS 2 Tracker Capture application for Android

The targetSdkVersion is set to 23 and if you change it to 26 or above, app gives an error while building :
Failed to find provider OrganisationUnitProgramRelationship for user 0; expected to find a valid ContentProvider for this authority

However I tried declaring OrganisationUnitProgramRelationship in the Manifest file as well but it didn’t resolve the issue.

App works fine if I build with targetsdk:23. Problem occurs when I change the targetversion and as per Google’s Latest Api level requirement minimum targetsdkVersion should set to 26.

If I build the app by disabling the registerObserver in ModelChangeObserver , app builds fine but it fails to register for UI changes.

Tried to upgrade the DBFlow library as well but app gives lots of compile errors.

Is there is any hack/solution to overcome this issue.

Thanks in advance!