All tracker information using the API


Is it possible to view the information of the enrollments and the corresponding data of all program stages using the API? I have read the developer manual, but I cannot get the point of how to retrieve the data.


Hi @fernandoshake,
Try this:
[yourinstancedomain]/api/trackedEntityInstances?fields=*&ou=the orgnisation unit&order=created:desc&program=the program&pageSize=number of enrollments to display in a page&page=1&totalPages=true
For example:*&ou=DiszpKrYNg8&order=created:desc&program=IpHINAT79UW&pageSize=50&page=1&totalPages=true

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Hi @Gassim,

I will try as you mentioned and get back. Clicking on the link you have shared, i see the result as XML. How can I get the result as csv?


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You can specify the type of download by just appending the type to the endpoint. So taking @Gassim answer it would be:*&ou=DiszpKrYNg8&order=created:desc&program=IpHINAT79UW&pageSize=50&page=1&totalPages=true

Please check this: Developer Manual - DHIS2 Documentation

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