Aggregate Individual data strategy

Hello CoP,

We need to work on aggregating the individual data from our tracker, so we are considering the best strategy to achieve this goal.

Our aim is to aggregate all individual data from 2020 to the present, including incoming data in the future.

We are aware of a wonderful project named T2A, backed by DHIS2, which helps in aggregating individual data.

Before we proceed, we would like to get feedback on this process.

  • Has any country successfully managed this data aggregation process?
  • Do they use the T2A tool, or have they developed their own tools?
  • What challenges did they encounter?

Some numbers of our DHIS2 Instance :

Events 10,303,790
Program instance 7,640,463
Tracked entity instance 7,717,116
Program Indicators 149

Thank you for your insights.

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Hello @didate . Have you considered using the Aggregate Data Exchange Service introduced in DHIS2 v2.39? This feature supersedes the T2A app so we encourage implementers to use the service instead.

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Hello @claude.mamo ,

Thank you for your response.

Interresting to have an integrated feature for the tracker data aggregation. I’ll check how it works, especially we have planned to migrate our DHIS2 instance to at least the version 2.39


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Hi @didate , as @claude.mamo said, I can confirm the data exchange app do the job well, and we are using in Rwanda, We are on version 2.40

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Hi @mutali Thank you for your message. I’m testing it, I’ll back to you if I have questions.

Thank you.

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Hello @claude.mamo and @mutali

Thank you for the suggestion about the Aggregation Data Exchange app, it works like a charm.

I’m happy I don’t have to code a script for that :innocent:


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