Age data type display on tracker program list

In dhis2, the age data type captured as an attribute in a tracker program displays on the list the date of birth. Is it possible for it display age and not date of birth?

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Only the date part of the age type attribute is stored in the database (as a date). The display that you see at entry, that derives age from date of birth and vice versa is just a UI feature. The displayed numeric age never gets stored in the database. I think you could create a new numeric type attribute to store age and use a program rule to assign it a value based on the age type attribute.

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Thanks @paleu256 ,

That would require another data element if i am getting you correctly. All i need is a data type to capture age of neonates i.e less than 4 weeks old and the database be able to capture that age not date of birth which is usually incorrect as its calculation is based on today’s date. What do you think?

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