About the Capacity building - Renforcement de capacités category

Welcome! The DHIS2 Academies aim to strengthen national and regional capacity to successfully set up, design and maintain DHIS2 systems. We are building a community of experts around the world and facilitate experience-sharing and collaboration across country borders.

Our Academies
The Online Academy: It will give you the opportunity to learn DHIS2 at your own pace and wherever you are. All you need is an internet connection…and motivation!

The Regional Academies: Throughout the year and accross Africa, Asia, we are running:
The Level 1 : Tracker, Information Use, Design&Customization
The Level 2: Data Quality, Server Administration, CHIS, Disease Surveillance, Android Implementation, Disease Surveillance, Web Apps development, Android Developers, Tracker level 2 and more to come.

This forum will not only give you the opportunity to know more about our training programs, but to also connect with your fellow DHIS2 Users.


How to begin a regional Academies?

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It is documented here: